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Старый 17.12.2021, 14:50   #3842
Аватар для Mugi
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По умолчанию

Зорофаперы с ВГ возвращают веру в ZKK:
We need Kaido to acknowledge that there still exists a monster samurai on par with Oden. This is a massive, massive plot point and the culmination of the samurai faction's arc, for Kaido to admit that despite his best efforts to stifle and disarm them, that great samurai will continue to rise. Kaido did not witness Zoro's fight with King and pretty much underestimated him all the way until he unleashed Ashura for the first time. Yet Kaido once again turned his attention away from Zoro, and did not see a link between Zoro and the way of the samurai he claims to love. With the Shimotsuki plotline still hanging, there is still time for Zoro to discover that he is, indeed a samurai by blood and re-challenge Kaido to prove him wrong. If Zoro does not prove him wrong, then Kaido, the villain, would be right in his assessment of the samurai. And we can't have that.

И я снова забыл о предназначении мечей Одена: один убийца демона (Кайдо), другой убийца змей (Орочи).
Mugi вне форума  
Эти 4 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили Mugi за это полезное сообщение:
Green_Boy (17.12.2021), Lesorub (17.12.2021), Мискалиниум (17.12.2021), ЭмоБой из 2007 (17.12.2021)
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