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Старый 21.06.2011, 13:50   #10
Почетный Удмурт
Аватар для Гирлянда
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Сообщение от Merovtino Посмотреть сообщение
Описание этого Гары в студию. Не читал, к сожалению...

Gara is a master of Ninjutsu, and at least the third (possibly the fourth) General that Dark Schneider took on. He attempted to slay Dark Schneider, who easily defeated him. Dark Schneider was moved by the boy's impetuous and strong-willed attacks, and so offered to take him on as a servant and fighter. Gara agreed. He commands a sword which can draw its life force directly from the swordsman, allowing almost unbeatable magic attacks. Unfortunately, the strongest attack is usually fatal to use.
When he learned Dark Schneider had been re-awoken, he kidnapped Yoko; Dark Schneider was talked into tracking down the Ninja Master, at which point they battled; at the end of the battle Dark Schneider and Gara both lost an arm, prompting Gara to up the stakes by claiming he had intercourse with Yoko; he was hoping it would make Dark lose his fighting spirit, only to make the wizard horribly angry. It was at this point that Dark Schneider destroyed Gara's base, but kept everyone alive, and restored Gara's arm. Gara realized the error of his ways and rejoined Dark Schneider (the first Lord to do so).
И он умер так ,как сказала смерть ,умер тогда ,когда меньше всего хотел этого, когда после стольких лет бесплодных иллюзий и самообмана стал догадываться, что люди не живут,а существуют, черт подери ,что самой долгой и деятельной жизни хватает лишь на то,что бы научится жить-в самом конце! Он умер ,когда постиг свой итог.....
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