03.10.2011, 22:24
Темный Король
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Наткнулся тут на совместное интервью Тогаши и Оды...
It's an interview with Togashi and Oda of One Piece. There's not much information there, but I can translate it. Don't know where the original Japanese source is, though again it really doesn't say much. This happened before the Ant arc ended.
(seems like there's text before here...)
T: Yes, as an author for Shonen Jump, sometimes I feel lacking compared to you. (I assume this refers to the fact OP is the Iron Man of serialization)
O: Mr. T is too modest. When I was an assistant, I always loved your works for their originality.
T: I don't like stories based on formula. I always try to make things more interesting, more unexpected. I pay close attention to your work too. Your story is very emotional.
O: Haha, I usually make the character first, and then make the story to suit the character. What about you, Mr. T?
T: Sometimes I ran out of creativity and become tired. Usually I look from western movies, eastern wuxia (martial arts fiction), short stories, and legends for ideas.
O: I see. That's a great idea. Your characters are great. It must take a lot of effort to draw them?
T: Just a habit. Maybe I'm more influenced from old school.
O: The Ant arc is almost over? I think the latter half of the Ant arc is very special, and it gave me inspiration.
T: Thanks. I'm just drawing on and off, so there was a lot of break througout. I had some change in my style during the Ant arc. I'm impressed that One Piece always keeps the same style.
O: Sometimes I want to change my style, but it's risky. I'm sure Mr. T understands.
T: Yes, the publisher was concerned with the style of HXH and they are worried that the readers cannot accept, but I still pressed through. I want to show what I have in my mind clearly.
O: So, how far is HXH? Halfway?
T: It's hard to say. I have 5 or 6 stories in mind. If everything goes according to the plan, there should be at least 3 or 4 stories after the Ant arc. Of course sometimes unexpected things happen and mess up your plan. So, is One Piece over halfway done?
O: Yeah. I think I'm in too much of a rush. When a story is halfway done, I'm already thinking about the next story for my readers, so the story becomes rushed.
T: That means you never run out of creativity, which is a good thing.
O: The publisher helps a lot too. I usually tell them the general theme of the story, and they help me plan the details.
T: Shonen Jump has a lot of great works with a wide variety. Everything seems like they can go on for a long time. The new guys all have a sharp mind.
O: One Piece once worked with Toriko for a special. I think his (Toriko) work is very similar to early HXH. He must be influenced by Mr. T.
T: I feel the same, but my worldview is bigger than his. That's kind of like One Piece. Haha.
O: I see Mr. T is still a friendly guy.
Похоже после арки муравьев, Тогаши планирует еще 3-6 арок... хотя мы сами знаем, как мангаки планируют...
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You are a genius. Are you Kinemon?
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