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Не ожидал зелёные волосы у Бартоломео
А я вот его с рыже-оранжевыми представлял... как-то больше на зверя похожим казался.
ЗЫ: на котаку искал про одну игру, а наткнулся на это:
"Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, skipped the deadline for several issues of his popular manga earlier this spring due to illness. It seems he is still recovering.
According to the latest issue of Shonen Jump, which One Piece missed, the manga will also be missing the next issue.
Originally, Oda was hospitalized in May for a tonsil infection. One Piece was supposed to return to print in June, but now, it doesn't look like it will be back until at least August 5 when the next Shonen Jump goes on sale.
As J-Cast reports this week, there are certainly concerns online about Oda's health. It's worth noting that Oda seemed in good spirits when he gave an update about One Piece's status."
Выздоравливайте, Ода-сенсэ!!!