09.12.2007, 22:48 | #1 |
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Тест! На кого из героев One Piece вы похожи
Нашел вот этот тест
Какой из героев One Piece походит на вас по характеру, привычкам, в любви и т.п. Тест на английском, так что для тех, кто что-то не поймет, я сделал его перевод на русский. Перевод теста:
Мой тип: Луффи Луффи Результат: Вы - забавный и простой, но когда дело касается любви и друзей, Вы не колеблетесь! Зоро Результат: Сильный, спокойный тип. Вы относитесь к любви серьезно. Никаких игр. Нами Результат: Вы плохой или хороший? Вам будет забавно, когда люди попытаются выяснить это. Санджи Результат: Вы - стильный, чувствительный, и Вы сделаете все ради любви. Чоппер Результат: Вы милый, Вы приятный, и Вы просто хотите быть любимы. Робин Результат: Вы спокойный, таинственный, и Вы любите держать всех в неведении. Шанкс Результат: Вы простоватый и игривый. Даешь вечеринку, пижон! P.S. Также советую пройти эти тесты.
. Если хотите поддержать сайт и переводы: Сбербанк: 5469 6700 1677 5739 Юмани: 410014625700780 Бусти: https://boosty.to/vertsama Последний раз редактировалось Верт; 19.07.2008 в 18:17 |
Эти 23 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили Верт за это полезное сообщение: | AlexDein (28.02.2011), AmiFox9 (07.03.2012), Cj-Fawks (24.04.2009), dikskn (15.11.2010), flamy (20.08.2011), holocast (16.12.2010), I'm Love One Piece (15.06.2011), Iriska (11.11.2011), Korean (18.04.2014), KPOBOCOC (05.03.2011), Krispi* (28.07.2010), Lilit (08.02.2009), Major Mew (25.07.2012), Mugi-chan (03.10.2011), Rino (22.03.2009), river blue (27.11.2008), Sayori (30.07.2009), SMOKEGUN (09.08.2010), tiki-mik (07.10.2010), Луиза-тян (16.07.2011), Мао (29.02.2012), ПрЫнц (19.02.2011), Туон (02.01.2012) |
09.03.2008, 16:16 | #121 |
Не Зарегистриро
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омг-омг.. |
15.03.2008, 19:52 | #122 |
Не Зарегистриро
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ну надо же)))) я Зоро) Пойду доставать говорящих на английском друзей... пусть переводят!))
только количество вопросов про любофф и правда, зашкаливает |
15.03.2008, 21:08 | #123 |
Регистрация: 08.01.2008
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
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я Санджи
Крокадайл!!! Я надеру тебе задницу!!!!!!!!!! ты только подожди. (с) Монки. Д. Луффи |
15.03.2008, 21:19 | #124 |
Регистрация: 26.02.2008
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Я Шанкс! Круть!!!!!!!!!!!
Kage Bunshin No Jutsu. NARUTO : A DREAM TO BE XOKAGE |
28.03.2008, 20:04 | #125 |
Регистрация: 08.01.2008
Адрес: Grand Line
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You are: Shanks-type. Analysis: You are the ultimate party animal, a ture Lost Boy (or Girl.) Your take on life? The more the merrier, especially if they bring chips and beer. You are at your happiest and most content when surrounded by a roomful of happy people, friends, strangers, doesn't matter to you. Your gregarious nature helps you make friends easily and you are very likeable from the very first meeting. When it comes to love, you are very laid-back, as well. You let others do the pursuing, and kind of wait to see what will happen. This is because you have a terrible fear, one fear which lingers beneath all the partying and boozing. You can't make decisions! Don't act so surprised. You know what I'm talking about. What kind of job do you have? What kind of plans for the future? Yeah, I thought so. You are so fun to be with and loveable that you often have more than one person who is interested in you at once. Making a decision would mean letting one of them down, and that would spoil your party. So in your mind it's best to pretend you don't notice. Maybe this is for the best, though. Your life will take you many places and in and out of many people's lives. Life and time and other people will guide you, and if you go with the flow, you'll know what to do in the end. Beware though, your tendency to be on the escapist side. You need to face your problems, too, you can't always run off to some tropical hideaway with a sexy guy. You are most compatible with: A Nico-type will find your bohemianism interesting, and might add a little, er, perk to your party. A quiet and serious Zoro-type is kind of your opposite and might find it relaxing to be with you, as well as giving you a little balance. Advice: Take a long bubble bath to relax when you start to get tense, as opposed to skipping town. It's a lot easier. Вот я Шанкс, то Луффи - то Шанкс - ыыы) А я Луффи, Шанкс и Луффи ))) Прошол 3 раза, думаю всётаки я Луффи)
Птицей Гермеса меня называют, крылья свои пожирая, сам себя я укрощаю. © HellSing. «I'm not just a pervert, I'm a super pervert!» © Jiraiya. Последний раз редактировалось Daisy; 12.04.2008 в 21:20 Причина: Не пиши сто раз одно и то же. |
28.03.2008, 20:12 | #126 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Регистрация: 23.11.2007
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Я тоже так была)))) |
28.03.2008, 21:20 | #127 |
Регистрация: 20.02.2008
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Странно, но получилась Робин... Думала, будет что-то другое, Чоппер там или ещё кто-нить, но никак не Робин...:ai:
28.03.2008, 22:52 | #128 |
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Я Зоро=)
:av: |
01.04.2008, 23:54 | #129 |
Регистрация: 01.04.2008
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А я Санджи)) |
03.04.2008, 21:30 | #130 |
Регистрация: 09.01.2008
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You are: Luffy-type.
Analysis: You tend to keep things simple. Food, friends, and fun, the best things in life, are always what you seek. The line between right and wrong is very clear for you and you are quick to point out when a person has wronged another. Your sense of justice is strong and therefore you need to be with people who you can respect as "good people". You can't be bothered to have a relationship with someone you can't look up to. This is awesome. You are friendly to everyone, and open, but you choose your companions very carefully, and once you have chosen them, you give your heart to them. Friendship and love are one and the same to you, inseperable feelings you naturally have for one whom you have admitted into your trust. You don't wait for loved ones to extend shows of devotion to you, you are the one who demonstrates time and again, that you will be there for them. But because of your simple nature, you're not one to burden them with love confessions and such. You will wait until they do so first, and then you'll let out the love that you've had for them all along. A caution: As doujinshi Luffy, you may exhibit outbursts or strange behavior, including but not limited to, spontaneous hugging or kissing of your companions, fits of childish possessiveness, sudden girlishness, blushing, innuendos having to do with eating or references to rubber, pouting and petulance, and overly innocent ways pertaining to bathing and sleeping which may lead to the development of Rorikon in Zoro-types and/or Shanks-types if gone unchecked. Please use caution and stick close to a Nami-type and out of the water. Thank you. You are most compatible with: A Zoro-type also takes love very seriously and would compliment your easygoing nature well. A Nami-type could really use having a person like you in their life as well, and will find your attitude and beliefs refreshing. Advice: Take a little vacation with someone you love. And give more hugs, your hugs are great |